Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A New Liver, the Same Faith

Savannah Smith was slowly dying since the day she was born. But when she received a new liver after high school graduation, she got a second chance at life.

“I was sick on and off my whole life,” Smith said. “It was a part of God’s purpose for me, part of my life. I know it’s helped me develop as a person.”

At four weeks old, Savannah was diagnosed with biliary atresia, a rare liver disease. At five weeks, she was operated on for the first time. In 19 years, she has endured dozens of additional surgeries.

“The doctors said, ‘Medicine doesn’t fix this. If she doesn’t have this surgery, she’s going to die. If she does have this surgery, there’s still a high percentage that she still may die, and she’ll definitely will die at some point early without a transplant,” said Shelley Smith, Savannah’s mother. “That readjusted our whole life.”

In and out of the hospital, Savannah’s health was like a rollercoaster, Shelley said. A high in her life was being voted Dutchtown High School homecoming queen, shortly followed by one of the longest lows. Savannah could no longer attend school, and was forced to study from home during her senior year.
Savannah was crowned Dutchtown High School homecoming queen,
just weeks before sitting out her senior year due to her illness.

“The most difficult part was not being able to do stuff with my friends, and not getting to go to school since I love school,” Savannah said.

Savannah got so sick that she had brain damage. She couldn’t walk in a straight line, and couldn’t remember asking the same question multiple times. She slept 16 hours a day, and during the few hours she was awake, she did schoolwork online.

Savannah needed a new liver to survive. On April 26, 2014, Savannah became the No. 5 patient on the national pediatric liver waiting list. She was 17 years old.

Despite this, Savannah walked – crooked though it was – across the stage at her high school graduation with a 3.8 GPA in May. Unbeknownst to her, at another school that same month, her liver donor was also celebrating his graduation.

On May 31, 2014, Savannah received a new liver.

She said this wouldn’t have been possible without God’s timing and miracles. She was admitted into the hospital the week before the transplant with a high fever when the doctors discovered five infections. But in just three days, the infections disappeared. The transplant would not have been possible if she had any infections.

“They don’t know how, other than God, which is what I say. I was waiting to be discharged whenever the doctor came in and said, ‘We have a possible liver for you,’” Savannah said.

After she and her family got over the initial shock, they began to pray.

“I was praying for my donor’s family, just knowing what they were going through as we rejoice that I’m getting this second chance,” Savannah said.

A drunk driver killed her donor, a 17-year-old boy, the night of his high school graduation. The similarities between him and Savannah were uncanny, and the Smith family grieved for the donor’s family.

“We had already been praying for the family for a long time,” said Madison Smith, Savannah’s younger sister. “She just graduated and he just graduated, and he didn’t even make it to the day after. It was difficult knowing that it could have been my sister we lost instead of their son.”

As the nurses and doctors prepared Savannah for the transplant, her family said it was difficult telling her goodbye.

“It was really nerve-racking to understand that this may be the last time I see my sister alive, and the fact that this also may be the one time that will save my sister and keep her alive,” Madison said.

Throughout the ordeal, Savannah’s faith never wavered, though her mother acknowledged she was anxious.

“Savannah was the only one of us who wasn’t nervous. She said she knew God had it all in control,” Shelley said. “The rest of us weren’t quite so faithful. We were all very human. She never loss her faith or had doubt.”

“She told us she was ready no matter the outcome,” Shelley said. “That’s also hard to hear from your little girl, to know she was prepared for death.”

After seven hours, Savannah woke up with a smile on her face.

“It felt like a choir of angels,” Shelley said. “She was smiling behind the breathing tube, she signed she loved me and she squeezed my hand to let me know she was ok.”

Two days after the surgery, Savannah could walk in a straight line. One month later, she went home with her family. But the roller coaster ride wasn’t over. She suffered complications from the transplant and had two more surgeries in July 2014. While she has no more liver issues, Savannah is still sick.

“Unfortunately, people think that once you’re transplanted, all your worries are gone. She’s not dying every day like she was, but… now you have a different set of problems,” Shelley said. “She’ll never be what society calls normal. She has her normal, and she’s still not there yet. This will impact our family for life.”

Savannah had to sit out her freshman year of college to recover, but finally enrolled at Southeastern Louisiana University in August 2015 along with her sister Madison. They are both studying nursing.

Savannah and Madison began their freshman
year together at Southeastern in August.
“Going back to school is amazing,” Savannah said. “I’m healthy now, and I want to reach my dream job of being a nurse. I’m thankful for the opportunity.”

Savannah said she had a special bond with all her nurses at each hospital. She hopes to specialize in pediatric oncology.

“My nurses made all the difference. They’d come in and braid my hair and eat pizza with me,” she said. “I’m hoping to use my experiences to work with the patients and their parents.”

Throughout it all, Savannah has had a smile on her face and trust in God. She may not be 100 percent healthy, but “she’s living,” Madison said.

“She runs and works out. She goes to school full-time with me. She speaks for the Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency. She’s living. Before the transplant, she’d be in bed right now sleeping,” Madison said. She pointed out the window at her backyard. “Look, she’s outside playing with the dogs right now.”

Above everything, Savannah is thankful for a second chance at life.

“I really couldn’t express my gratitude to [the donor family] to honor his decision to be a donor,” she said. “I want to share and promote organ donor awareness even more than I was, and talk to everybody about how important it is to appreciate the little things.”

Savannah finished third in her division at the 2015
Rabalais Run for Life, which promotes organ donor awareness.

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